Child Safety Ideas and Resources

Child Safety in the Air
Traveling by air with children has its own special challenges and hazards. The following links provide information and advice on a number of child safety issues as well as child travel information provided by some airlines. Topics include: Tips for children traveling alone, safety tips for traveling with children, general cabin safety tips, restraining toddlers in flight, lavatory adventures, child travel rules, and child safety resources. There is additional information, such as an FAA borchure on the safe use of child seats and the FAA regulation concerning child seat use, as well as a child travel health article from the Centers for Disease Control.

4 Tips to Keep Dogs and Kids Safe
A dog and child scenario does not always promise the most harmonious of situations. The Nylabone site addresses typical dog behavioral traits such as destructive chewing, turning anxious or being scared of thunder, and provides pet owners with nifty obedience training tips to help their pets overcome the same. The in-depth collection of information on origin, behavior, care and training requirements covers a vast number of dog breeds. The site also features an interesting exclusive section that is dedicated to holidays and pets, and addresses how to ensure a happy, safe and healthy time with pets during festive or holiday bashes.

Pool and Spa Safety for Children
This is a section on site for the Pool Safely campaign by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission that is dedicated to kids. It has tons of information on pool safety that kids can learn about through being engaged. It offers educational videos and parent-child activities to teach kids for staying safe while having fun in a swimming pool. It offers interactive video games to teach children about pool and spa safety, with cartoon characters named Splish and Splash who face choices at the pool. There's a kids activity poster about pool safety that can be printed and colored in. The Pool Safely online activity for kids and their parents is intended to teach them to spot the dangers in and around spas and pools. And it offers video public service announcements to inform parents and kids how to have fun but stay stay around spas and pool. They are available in both English and Spanish.

Toy Safety
In general, most toys on the market today are safe. But, injuries still occur in spite of tough government regulations and toy makers' efforts to test products. The first step in preventing toy-related injuries is to know what to look for. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is a great resource for toy safety, as you would expect it to be. This page of Safety Publications offers several publications in PDF format on toys (see the last section on the page, Toys, but also other sections, such as Sports, Fitness and Recreation). There's a guide to choosing, buying and maintains toys for children and infants; a fact sheet on the Child Safety Protection Act; tips on selecting and using electric toys, which can be quite dangerous; a safety alert on caps for toy guns to help prevent burn injuries; a document of the suffocation danger associated with children's balloons; a document warning against BB guns (BB Guns Can Kill); and a document on the choking hazard of plastic film on toys and other children's products. There are other documents as well, such as a toy safety coloring book and guys for choosing suitable toys for children up to age five, and ages six through twelve.

The Child Saving Institute
For 120 years, Child Saving Institute (CSI) has provided a safe haven and healing for children who are the victims of family crisis, neglect and abuse. CSI believe that childhood matters, that every child should have a right to a safe, happy childhood. They provide innovative and comprehensive child safety and child prevention programs and services: theraphy, early childhood education, emergency shelter, foster care, adoption, pregnancy counseling and parenting classes. They address child abuse, volunteering, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect and maltreatment, kids educational games, bullies, books, teen information. The site provides information on how you can help in fund raising and volunteering, such as through on-site program opportunities like helping in emergency shelters, early childhood education center, and general educational support, or in mentoring children, teens or young adults. The Center can also use administrative volunteers,

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